Sunday 21 August 2016

Identifying the Missing of Arnhem Oosterbeek

1. Cumbria's Museum of Military Life, Carlisle
Located in Alma Block, Carlisle Castle
(Previously the Border Regiment & KORBR Museum)
2. Arnhem Block, Carlisle Castle, Cumbria
[Honouring 1st Bn Border Regiment at Arnhem, 1944]
3. CWGC Stone of Sacrifice,
Arnhem / Oosterbeek War Cemetery, Netherlands
4. Local children of Arnhem / Oosterbeek at the cemetery
Each year in September, local children lay floral tributes 
5. Graves of three 1st Battalion Border Regiment soldiers
After many years research the identities have been proven
After September 2016 they are not just 'Known Unto God'
For additional information click on 'Comments' below.

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