Sunday 29 May 2016

Pat O’Leary: “Bravest of the brave”

1. Dr. Albert Guérisse, wife Sylvia and son Patrick
[Albert Guérisse became “Pat O’Leary” in WW2]
(Image from DVD films featuring Dr. Albert Guérisse)
Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Guérisse, Belgium
2. Still from a 1963 BBC “This is Your Life”: 
Albert Guérisse / Patrick O’Leary was the subject
The programme’s presenter was Eamonn Andrews
Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Guérisse, Belgium
3. A man with more than one identity:   
(Left): Lt.-Cmndr. Patrick A. O’Leary, Royal Navy
(Right): Col. Albert-Marie E. Guérisse, Belgian Army 
Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Guérisse, Belgium
4. Traitors of the ‘PAT’ Escape and evasion network:
(Left): Harold (‘Paul’) Cole
(Right): Roger le Neveu (‘Le Legionnaire’)
Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Guérisse, Belgium  
5. Some guests on Pat O'Leary's "This is Your Life”
(Clockwise, from top left):
Fabien de Cortes, M.M., Croix de Guerre
Louis Nouveau, G.M., Legion d’Honneur, Croix de Guerre
Lieutenant Colonel James Maydon Langley, M.B.E., M.C
Lieutenant Colonel Ian Grant Garrow, D.S.O.
Original images courtesy of:
Dr Patrick Guérisse / Cumbria County Archives
6. Thomas (Tom) Groome, wireless operator
[He was imprisoned with Pat O’Leary in Dachau]
Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Guérisse, Belgium
7. An historic and enthusiastic surprise reunion:
Ian Garrow (left) meets Pat O’Leary (right)
It was the first time they had met since the war
Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Guérisse, Belgium
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