Saturday 19 December 2015

Captain Michael V.P. Fleming (1913 – 1940)

1. WW1 memorial, Palace of Westminster, London
Inside Westminster Hall [Photo taken with permission]
Remembering M.P.s Lords and officers killed in WW1
Major Valentine Fleming. M.P. (1882 – 1917) is listed
2. Captain Michael Fleming (1st left) & other officers
4th Battalion, Oxford & Bucks. L.I.  
Taken at Attiches, France (March 1940)
Courtesy of Cumbria County Archives / Fleming family.
3. The Catholic University (‘Catho’), Lille
Staff and student accommodation building 
(This is across the road from the chapel)
Where wounded B.E.F. officers were cared for (1940)
4. Captain Michael Valentine Paul Fleming's headstone
Lille Southern Cemetery, France (Grave 5/B/29)
Photograph taken with permission 
5. Addresses in a post-war diary and address book
It belonged to Sister Olga Baudot de Rouville
(A Red Cross nurse in the P.O.W. hospital at Lille)
Bottom left is the name & address of Mrs Letitia Fleming
 For additional information click on ‘Comments’ below.

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