Tuesday 24 November 2015

The Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich

1. The Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich (O.R.N.C.)
[Now home to the Discover Greenwich Visitor Centre] 
2. The story of the Old Royal Navy College, Greenwich
Its motto: "By wisdom as much as war"
(Displayed at the Discover Greenwich Visitor Centre)
3. Part of the Oral History collection of the O.R.N.C.:
Naval Officer Derek Gaulter speaks about D-Day
4. Another part of the Oral History collection:
The story of the WRNS training courses after 1939 
5. WW2 Cipher Officer Jane Eldridge tells her story.
(As a wartime WRN, she trained at Greenwich 1942/1943)
6. WW2 Officer Susan Martin (nee Byron) tells her story.
(As a wartime WRN, she also trained at Greenwich)
For additional information click on 'Comments' below. 

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