Tuesday 13 October 2015

The War Memorials of Abbeytown, Cumbria

1. Holme Cultram Abbey, Abbeytown, Cumbria
The headstone in the foreground is that of:
Flight Lieutenant I.J. Muirhead, D.F.C.
2. WW1 memorials inside Holme Cultram Abbey.
(Left): The parish memorial for the ‘Fallen’
(Right): Stained glass window, Sister Martha Mark, QA.I.N.S. 
3. Headstone of F/Lt. I.J. Muirhead, D.F.C.
Died in the Battle of Britain, 15 October 1940
[A WW1 casualty also buried in the churchyard]
4. Abbeytown village memorial
[In the corner of the Methodist Church grounds
5. The inscribed panels on the village memorial
[Remembering both WW1 and WW2 casualties]
 For additional information click on ‘Comments’ below.

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