Saturday 18 April 2015

An inspiration to his platoon: Stephen Scott, M.M.

1. Road sign entering Distington village from the south
[Distington is the home village of Stephen Scott M.M.]
2. Headstone of Guardsman Stephen Scott M.M.
Arezzo War Cemetery, Italy (Grave Ref. I.B.27)
[Photograph courtesy of Damien Wright]
3. Distington village and parish war memorial, Cumbria
Stephen Scott M.M. is listed on this on this memorial
[The flowers at the front take the form '1914 -1918'
4. The M.M. citation for Guardsman Stephen Scott
[From the National Archives file WO 373 / 4]
5. Stephen Scott's photograph in 'The Whitehaven News'
[Thursday 2 March 1944 (Cumbria Archives Office)]
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