Sunday 22 February 2015

War Graves at Whicham Churchyard, Cumbria

1. Whicham (St Mary) Parish Church, Cumbria
In the churchyard there are eight C.W.G.C. burials:
Two from the 1914 - 1918 war (both identified)
Six from the 1939 - 1945 war (three identified)
2. Headstone of WW1 casualty Pte. H.W. Jackson
[Pte. H.W. Jackson, Scots Guards died 17 January 1918
3. Headstones of Sgt. T. Huddleston and Pte. T. Caddy
Sgt. Tom Huddleston (left) died on 2 October 1944
Pte. Tom Caddy (right) died on 11 March 1920
[Sgt. Tom Huddleston was the nephew of Pte. Tom Caddy]
4. Headstones of two Australian airmen (died 29 April 1941)
L.A.C. J.C. Francis (left) and Cpl. C.O.W. Amos (right)
(Their bodies were washed ashore on a beach nearby)
[The headstone behind is for 2 unidentified M.N. seamen]  
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