Saturday 16 August 2014

'The Fallen' of Seascale, Cumbria

St Cuthbert's Parish Church and war memorial, Seascale

Commemorating 'The Fallen' of Seascale, Cumbria

A sandstone cross in the churchyard of St Cuthbert's Parish Church, Seascale commemorates the servicemen who lost their lives during the First World War and can be seen in the photograph above. Inside the church there are additional war memorials for the 'Fallen' connected to Seascale.

The first memorial inside the church is a tablet listing the names of 'Old Boys' of Seascale 'Prep' (Preparatory) School who died in WW1. The second memorial inside the church is a tablet listing the names of those who died in although the actual WW2 memorial is the altar rail.

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