Monday 21 April 2014

Treatment of the B.E.F.'s severely wounded

1.  The chapel of the 'Faculté Catholique', Lille
[Where wounded O.R.'s of the 1940 B.E.F. were treated]
 2. British wounded P.O.W.s at Rouen (1942) 
[Photograph courtesy of 'The Whitehaven News']
3. Sgt. Tom Rimmer (left) and L/Cpl. John Gill (right) 
(Two of the severely wounded soldiers of the 1940 B.E.F.)

[Photograph courtesy of 'The Whitehaven News']

 4. Gibraltar (North Front), a wartime sanctuary
(From La Línea de la Concepción, Spain) 
[Destination for many of the British P.O.W. escapers]
 For additional information click on 'Comments' below'.

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